Friday, September 13, 2013

New Pig Concentration Farm in My Area

A huge pig farm has been constructed in Assumption, IL, a half hour from where I live. There was an open house to celebrate this future concentration camp; before the 2,400 pigs arrived of course. They assured people they will take good care of the pigs, and answered questions such as "keeping pigs indoors under controlled conditions keeps them safer." The newspaper article about it was sickening. Does the average reader realize pigs like to run, but can't even move around on these farms? I wonder if anyone noticed that the pigs come to the farm at 12 pounds and six months later are 260 pounds and "ready to leave." That is a tremendous amount of weight to put on in such a short amount of time. This genetic manipulation and feed manipulation and hormone manipulation should be seen as abuse in itself. Very frustrating to find out that 90 such facilities have popped up in Illinois in the past few years, and more are planned. They are advertising these farms as good supplements to corn and soy fields.

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