Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Problem is the White Conservative Christian Male

Once again, we must talk about the latest shooting, and I am just sick of addressing these tragedies. 

It is so obvious who does most of the shootings - white, conservative males. What we need to do is study how they are being raised, and why so many conservative males can't be peaceful. Certainly I have friends who are conservative Christian males who are not violent at all, but we have a terrorist problem in our nation and the most common terrorist is a male - a conservative Christian male. 

Although I have not yet heard many details of the shooting at the Synagogue, my deepest sympathies extend to the congregation and their families. It is obvious that no matter what god you worship, no matter what religion you are, no god will protect you. We must be honest and accept this.
You should be safe. We can't all carry weapons all the time and we should not have to do so. We must fix the problem at its source. Demand that our government admit and address the problem of the violent American white Christian conservative male.

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